The Andalusian Suberoteca

This team exhibits samples extracted from the mountains of Andalusia taken from 1995 to the current time. They list cork from 1,294 different areas of Andalusia. The aim is to make the cork samples available for consultation hence facilitating and promoting trade in a transparent market and contributing to the socioeconomic development of the Andalusian countryside.


The Suberoteca. Photo: GDR de Los Alcornocales


Suberoteca’s office building, which also houses the office of the Los Alcornocales Nature Reserve Information Centre, has been designed with the aim of being eco-efficient.



Suberoteca comprises a total of 632 m², which are distributed in different areas:

  • Showroom displaying cork samples of Andalusia
  • Preparation Room classifying the cork
  • Wine cellar
  • Boiler room for cooking cork
  • Laboratory and investigation room



  • Owned by: Junta de Andalucía
  • Overseeing body: Department of Environment and Territory
  • Functions:
    • Analysis and classification of cork
    • Preparing cork samples obtained in the field, having analyzed their quality
    • Moisture analysis of cork
    • Analysis of the porosity of cork by imaging techniques
    • Advising industrial and cork producers
    • Vocational and academic resource
    • Informative talks given to groups linked to cork sector


Guided tour. Photo: GDR de Los Alcornocales



Open to the public only by prior arrangement.


The Andalusian Suberoteca
Ctra. CA-2112 Alcalá de los Gazules-Benalup Casas Viejas, km 1
11180 Alcalá de los Gazules, Cádiz
T. 670 940 039 / 956 418 618

Source: Information provided by the Andalusian Suberoteca.